The effects of stashbusting
I didn't knit up a lot of things because I'm just not a fast knitter. But I did re-evaluate my stash and found a lot of stuff that I felt I didn't really need to hang onto. So I priced it, put it up on the Destash For Cash blog and made a healthy $50. That's more than enough for some really good yarn. Except I don't have an appetite for yarn at the moment. Stashbusting has also gotten me feeling I really ought to knit up what I have before indulging in fiber lust. Besides, spinning's where it's really at these days. ;)
And as Manda said, I really ought not to buy more than I have pretty immediate plans for, otherwise I'm overwhelmed, like a hungry diner at a large buffet.
So, many thanks for the SOS, it was appreciated. Good luck all on your seasonal knitting, it's starting to cool off out there!
And as Manda said, I really ought not to buy more than I have pretty immediate plans for, otherwise I'm overwhelmed, like a hungry diner at a large buffet.
So, many thanks for the SOS, it was appreciated. Good luck all on your seasonal knitting, it's starting to cool off out there!
I think I really have slaked my thirst for yarn by taking a break this summer. It really helped curbed my cravings.
I'm so glad that SoS has been a good thing (and profitable) for you!
Never mind what Fred Phelps sez, Heaven's where I'm going. Wanna come along? Guhroovy. Meet me in Heaven, miss gorgeous, and we'll have gobbbs of fun at my BIG-ol, WooHoo! party-hardy celebrating our resurrection for eons and eons - I'm gonna kiss your adorable feet the first chance I get, doll, because they have brought you this far (with God's help). God bless you. I wish I could tell you I love you in person -Totus Tuus (Latin: Totally Yours)
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